Saturday, August 05, 2006

My dearest Claire,
This week you turned 10 months old. I just can't believe how fast you're growing up. This past month has been a month of changes for you. You have 2 teeth now. They are both on the bottom right in the front. They didn't bother you as much as we thought they would. You were just putting EVERYTHING in your mouth whenever you could. The biggest change for you this month however was day care. Daddy and I both hated to put you in day care and we still hate it every time we have to drop you off, but it is for the best in the future. You still cry every time we drop you off, but your teacher says it doesn't take long for you to get over it now. The best part of it is that when we come to pick you up, you have the best smile on your face and crawl to us just as fast as your little arms and legs will let you. Then you give your teacher, Ms. LaShea, a look that says, "HA! You only wish you were my mommy!"
Another change for you this month is drinking formula only. You have officially been weaned this month, and to be honest, I don't think you've noticed or care. You also can now eat small snacks and like sweets and breads. We no longer can eat a meal without giving you some. We don't mind however! Drinking a bottle is now a lot easier for us now that you can hold the bottle yourself. Although, you don't let us walk away from you while you drink your bottle. We must be right beside you. Claire, I cherish these moments that you want me near you for I know they won't last forever!
The doctor said at your 9 month checkup that you were too skinny! Daddy and I couldn't believe that one of our kids was called skinny! She told us to give you an extra bottle per day which is difficult to fit in to the schedule, but you don't mind the extra bottle at all! You are such a wonderful eater. You're not a great fan of the green vegetables but you will eat them with a little motivation---fruits! You eat a lot for your age, but yet you still don't look like it! I know it is because of your activity level. You are actively moving from the moment you awake in the morning until your last fight from sleeping. You are persistently crawling, jumping, walking along furniture, bouncing, talking, etc. ALL DAY LONG! Even today, as we went shopping and you were in the stroller, you were turning around, trying to crawl, doing whatever you could just to be in motion. I hope you never lose that activeness.
This past month, you went to a baby shower for your cousin Alyssa who is to be born in September. You were so good throughout the whole shower, a few ladies at the end of the shower noticed you and asked where you'd been the whole time. You are so good!
You do have your moments though! There are a few places in the living room where you play that you're not allowed to go. The number of times we remove you from those banished places is countless! Daddy jokes that if we put 3 of your favorite toys directly in front of you and a gun all the way across the room behind you with obstacles in the way, you'd make a beeline for the gun--obstacles and all! It is a vivid picture to us that your sin nature is already in control. Daddy and I pray for you every day that one day you will not be a slave to sin anymore!
These are just a few of the things that have happened this month, but we are still so grateful for you each and every day and wouldn't change a single thing about your wonderful self!
