Sunday, April 05, 2009

Da Bears!

Since we are moving to Houston this summer, I have to switch jobs. I sent out my resume and a cover letter to 5 school districts in the area and 13 schools. After several responses, interviews, and communication, I selected a school to work for. I won't give the name of the school for personal and professional reasons, but I will say my new mascot is the Bears. I am so excited! I really felt the Lord's peace about the school I am going to and am already praying for my future students. One more piece to the puzzle that will be our new life and the Lord truly is showing Himself mightily. There are only a few "big" pieces left to fit and I know that He already is carving them out for us.

Claire went all week at school with no accidents, praise God! We are so proud of her accomplishments! She also is learning the states of America and knows where our family lives. Good thing we mostly live in states that are pretty easy to pick out...Texas, Michigan, and Florida.

Justin is feverishly working on the robot as competition is next week and lots of work is still needed to complete it. He will be going to competition without a cheering section, but we will be cheering him on here at home.