Sunday, May 03, 2009

60 years!

Yesterday we attended Justin's grandparents Diamond Anniversary Celebration. They've been married for 60 years! They were married May 3, 1949. Crazy! It was such an event to celebrate. So many marriages these days tend to end or not even begin prematurely. So it is quite an accomplishment to stay married for so long! They were so cute and so honored! I have to say even though I don't spend a lot of time with them, that the more I got involved with the party, the more excited about it I became. We looked up anniversary jokes, found interesting facts about 1949 and the whole family pitched in and we came up with Sixty Plus Reasons We Love You for them. We ended up with about 100! It seemed everyone in the family enjoyed it. It was really nice and also a nice goal for Justin and I to one day, Lord willing celebrate 60 years! That would be August 3, 2062! WOW!