Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Claire had her first ever ballet/tap dance class today! She has been asking since August when a few girls in her new pre-K class were involved. We thought it was just because it was new and she was trying to fit into her new class. However, after 4 months of persistent requests, pleas, and begging, we surprised her at Christmas by allowing her to start ballet. We went last night to pick up her leotard and to get her shoes/slippers. She was on cloud 9. She begged and begged to start her class right then, but it was not her age group. So today she got to go. We got there early and there was only 1 other little girl there for her class. They became fast friends and are like 2 peas in a pod. Needless to say, she fit right in. She had so much fun that she threw a fit when I told her that she couldn't wear her ballet outfit to church tonight. It took 20 minutes to calm her down. Like I said, she's just a little excited! The dance studio doesn't allow any photographs, so I couldn't take any, but I have a mind full of memories imprinted of her smiles, and her wobbly Arabesques, Position 1's, shuffles, etc. I am so glad that she is able to enjoy it and I hope she keeps it up! She's a beautiful ballerina!