Sunday, June 24, 2007

And she's off.......

We started off the week big. On Monday, Claire kept taking her pants off at daycare. Justin noticed on the webcam, so when I went to pick her up, I asked them about it. She then proceeded to tell me that Claire had been taking her pants off and going to the little plastic potty and sitting on it diaper and all. She would go to the bathroom in her diaper and then ask to be changed. She suggested potty training. Now I had noticed all weekend long she would take her pants off, but I wouldn't let her and pulled them back up. I had never correlated her diaper changes with it. So off to potty training we go. The rest of the week was not really exciting as far as that.

Justin however got a 95% on his math test. I am so proud of him for doing so well in math. His problems take up a whole page and then some. He writes small too! Keep it up!

On Friday, I went a got a little plastic potty for Claire. We came home and set it up in the bathroom. What do you know? The child is ready. All weekend we have been going in the potty and today (Sunday) only twice did she go in her diaper. Those two times were under extenuating circumstances too. Way to go Claire. I just hope it keeps up and stays this easy! I know it won't, but I'm still praying that way! that you managed to get through all the crap (hehe) here are the pictures you've been waiting for.

These are all from Disney World that we took almost a month ago now. My how time flies!

Here are some more since then that I better post now before I forget.
This first one is special. There is a picture of my sister Trish when she's little where she's eating an apple seated this way. When I saw Claire eating animal crackers sitting like this on the couch, I just had to see the family resemblance!

These next two were when we were working on her puzzles. This is a stepstool that my parents got her and her name is the puzzle. We use this to get to the sink, etc. It comes in handy and it's teaching her to recognize her name and the letters in her name.

This face is priceless due to family resemblance again. Reece, our nephew used to make this face all the time when he would get frustrated. Although Claire has never seen Reece do this face (he's grown out of it now) she's still picked it up. What you can't see in the stillshot is that she is shaking with frustration. Oh my!

Today I was on the phone with Grandpa and this came walking into the living room. I bursted out laughing and so this is the explanation Grandpa.

I can get her hair into a ponytail! Finally!!!!

Hope this fixed your picture craze!