Thursday, January 31, 2008

Like mother, like daughter?

I am not a girly girl. Never have been. When I was little, I was always playing baseball with the boys and loved running and just being outside climbing trees and really not caring about getting dirty or hurt. In 3rd grade, we moved to Texas in December(perhaps some foreshadowing of my adult years). On Tuesday, we had gym class and one of my favorites was dodgeball. I remember Miss Poole standing there with the red mesh bag filled with the yellow Nerf balls telling us to get ready to play and reminding us of the rules of the game. My best friend at the time was Allison Brown and she leaned over to tell me that my shoe was untied and that I should tie it. However, Miss Poole had just told us to get to our sides for dodgeball. As we were moving to our sides, she began to divide the Nerf balls to the teams and was throwing them to the different sides. This made us move a little quicker to get to our side. The competitive side of me said worry about your untied shoe later after you get one of the precious few Nerf balls. I saw a ball floating gently in the air just out of my reach. I just needed to move a little faster, Allison right beside me thinking the same thing. Next thing I know, I step on my untied shoelace, trip, and fall forward. This doesn't sound too bad...only thing is, there is a WALL right in front of me. I fell face first into the gym wall (kitchen side for those of you familiar with IC), bounced off, and onto the floor. Now I'm sitting on the floor and I look down at my white pants. There's one big drop of red on one leg, now two, one smaller drop on the other leg. Hmm...more and more. My mouth hurts. Allison screaming for Miss Poole to come over. I have the Nerf ball. Miss Poole arrives and tells me to just be still. She gets me a cold towel and tries to stop the bleeding. I'm crying now. I have to give up my Nerf ball. No more dodgeball. After they get me off the gym floor, they call my sister who is in high school. She is in the middle of her geometry exam. She is expecting to get in trouble for something, then she sees me and my face is distorted. She calls mom to come pick us up. She is glad for once in her life to have a little sister because I get hurt at the same time that she was about to fail her exam. We go to the emergency room and the doctor puts in 5 stitches to my upper lip. He explains that my tooth has completely made another opening in my head all the way through my lip. I have 2 stitches on the outside of my lip and 3 invisible ones inside to close the hole on either side. I cannot smile, talk, laugh, eat, anything that you normally do with your mouth. It hurts. We go home. I haven't played Dodgeball yet. The next day is Wednesday, my last day of school before we move. My class and teacher are so nice that they throw a party for me to say goodbye. They have cake. THEY have cake. I can't eat any of my own cake. How depressing. I hurt. Today I went to pick up Claire at daycare and the teacher says she has two accident reports from today and one from yesterday. Claire ran into the wall twice and cut her lip from her teeth. Then she ran into the table and has a purple bruise on her cheek. I look at Claire and her cut is in the exact same spot as mine was. Just not nearly as bad. It's swollen. Her little mouth is lopsided. All the memories came flooding back. I hope this means we're not moving soon!