Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Holidays!

It's been a while, but God is so good! We are still planning to move in the summer of 2009 to West Houston for Justin to work at BP. I have been looking for houses, schools for me to work, preschools for Claire, and of course a church home for all of us. The end of the semester was crazy for all of us--it was looking spotty there for a while. Justin's parents are still redoing their house from Hurricane Ike damage and they were both in the hospital during December. Justin had finals, a senior paper, a senior project, and the robot to work on. Claire is potty training, and I was honestly having the hardest time as a teacher I've faced yet. All that is finished though (except Claire) and once again I was reminded that God is paying attention to all the little details of life so carefully. We celebrated Christmas last week and had one of the best Christmases I remember. Claire led her class in singing Happy Birthday to Jesus while they ate Santa Claus cookies because she told her class that Christmas isn't about Santa but Jesus' birthday. At least she's got that right! She also was so surprised however when Santa brought her a Dora dollhouse on Christmas morning. Since then, she has been asking when Santa is coming again and if she'll get more 30 times a day. We are still potty training but she's doing much better this time, so I'm trying to be more patient. She has been in big girl underwear for 2 weeks now and has been dry after nap 3 days in a row...we're getting there folks. Slowly but surely. If only she'll actually tell me she needs to go potty I think I'd have a heart attack right there. We are staying up to watch the New Year come in and as she told Papa on the phone tonight, she's going to say, "BOO!" As far as New Year Resolutions, I'm going kind of low-key. I plan to read through the Bible this year and signed up for an email daily reminder at to help me keep on track. We also plan to be settled in a new house, church, and city by the end of 2009. That really doesn't happen though until the 2nd half. The 1st half will be focused on getting through the school year and getting our house ready to sell. Of course losing weight is always on the list, but hopefully it won't be just one of those resolutions that loses steam by February. We'll see. I do know that whatever 2009 brings, it all will be from God and He knows best and wants the best for us. Happy New Year! What are your resolutions???