Friday, January 02, 2009

Little Lessons

I was struck a few months back about how to show Claire what Jesus means to Justin and I. How can a 3 year old understand what so many adults never get? I prayed about it and I started to incorporate Jesus in our everyday life. Profound idea right? What I mean is, I started to verbalize what so many of us often take for granted. For instance, when I got a great parking spot at the mall or grocery store I would say, "Thank you Jesus, for the perfect parking spot!" Little statements at the simplest things. "Thank you Lord, for the beautiful day!" Claire started to pick up on it. I couldn't believe it! Now, she will randomly say things like this too and it just warms my heart to hear her praise God for the little things. Today, we picked up our Christmas card pictures (yes, I know it's January!) and before we got to the store, Claire asked if she could sit on the little couch that she sat on to get the pictures taken. Not really wanting to deal with another tantrum, I said maybe but in my heart I said there's no way! There are other people taking pictures! It will be something else for you to get into! When we got there, there was another lady picking up her pictures. Claire immediately ran over to the little waiting area and starting moving furniture around. As I stood there, I noticed that the little couch was outside the portrait studio and it was empty. Perfect for her to sit on. I motioned to Claire and pointed to the little couch. She just beamed! While I got the pictures of the beautiful family I've been blessed with, she sat content on the little couch. When we walked out to the car, I asked her if she'd thanked Jesus for the answered prayer. We prayed on our way out thanking Him for the little things. I just hope and pray that one day all these little lessons will point her to Him. In that same direction, I just want to thank Him for the family He has blessed me with. I couldn't ask for a better husband, a loving daughter, and amazing extended family members. Thank you Lord, for my family, and please bless each and every one of them tonight and in 2009. May we bring You all the glory that we can because You deserve it and so much more! Amen.