Friday, March 27, 2009

Blogged Down

I have been wanting to post for a while now, but it seems so much has happened, I felt that I wouldn't do justice. So, I've decided to just start back up and leave the past in the past. If it gets brought up in future posts, so be it.

Today we worked outside in the yard on the front flower beds. They have not gotten worked on since we've been in the house--4 years. So it was certainly time. Claire had fun out there digging with her little pink shovel in the dirt. What 3 year old wouldn't? Justin and I did not have fun, but we were productive. He trimmed back the shrubs from excessive overgrowth and I raked out the flower beds from the leaves, etc that had been collecting underneath. While we were out there, a neighbor's dog came to see what was going on. He had been let out to go potty. Claire asked why he was out there so we explained. She then asked, "Why does everything go potty?" So I turned into teacher mode and said that it was all our waste coming out. Sort of like taking out the garbage to which she responded, "Why do we have waste?" At this point Justin turned to me and exclaimed, "She's at this stage now, isn't she?" I said to Claire, "Well, because we're not perfect!" Claire asked why we weren't perfect. Sin was basically my answer and then I told Justin that I had never related going potty as sin before. Claire was content with that answer or else was distracted by something else because no other questions came. I'm sure this was just one of many "Why?" conversations we'll have. It was humid after yesterday's rain so we didn't work out there too much longer than necessary. Then we came inside and Claire and I made ChiliMac. Yum. She helped me the entire time which was nice. I think she'll be an excellent cook someday. We then ate and relaxed until Justin went to work. Claire and I took a nap and then hung out the rest of the evening here at home. While we were relaxing with Justin, she was playing a Dora Candy Land computer game. It froze up on her and she called for help. I tried to help, but was unsuccessful. Justin came in and asked if I could minimize the window. Claire said, "Mommy, minimize it!" We were shocked that she repeated such a big word. It seems like she's growing up right before my very eyes.