Monday, February 09, 2009

Photo Tag!

Here's how you play!
1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
2. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)!
3. Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger
4. Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!

So the picture above is of course Claire. It was taken in February 2006 so she was 4 months old. She is a stomach sleeper. Always has been. I remember this outfit though specifically. My parents bought it for her before she was born. Hence the white (we didn't know what gender we were having prior to her birth). They bought it in Hawaii for baby. It was one of the special outfits that she wore to church early in life. I love how babies sleep. How precious and vulnerable they look. How happy and comfortable.

4 people I'm tagging.
1. Walker
2. Stacy
3. Christina
4. Susan


Walker said...

Haha... I totally missed this. And I'll have to get back to you. What makes you think I have just one place I keep photos? Art photos? Personal? Technical illustration photos for class? =)