Sunday, April 08, 2007

My dearest Claire,
I know that it has been a long while since I posted on here, but here I am again to write to you about yourself. You turned 18 months this week and I honestly have no idea where the time has gone. You have changed from a baby to a little girl with your own personality and individual ideas. Your favorite thing to do is CLIMB on anything and everything you can. You have a determination that is unmatched. Yesterday at Meemaw's you spent 3 minutes trying to climb into your own chair. You never gave up and you finally made it. I pray you never lose that tenacity to get what you want. However, on that note, you are also very talented at throwing temper tantrums. Daddy and I get frustrated with you sometimes due to these, but always know that we love you more than anything and just want the best for you. We let you cry it out which isn't easy, but you are learning that when you cry like that, it doesn't get you what you want. You have lots of fun at day care and although it still hurts me to have someone else watch you all day, I do see benefits. You are a very sweet, sharing, patient, little girl. You like to read books, but only at your own pace. You are an excellent eater. Today is Easter, and we learned you like brisket. You ate brisket almost exclusively at lunch and dinner today.
Anyway, I hope that when you are old enough to read this, you understand most of all that we love you and more than us, God loves you. He sent His Son to die for you and if you were the only sinner in the world, Jesus would still have come down from heaven and died for you to be able to go to heaven to live with Him. Not only that, but Easter is so important because that is the day to celebrate Jesus rising from the grave to proved His true identity. Claire, He loves you so much!
We love you too. Happy 1/2 birthday!
