Monday, February 25, 2008

Fishers of Butterflies

Saturday Claire and I went to Galveston with Meemaw, Papa, Meme, Pawpaw, Uncle Matt and Matty. We all went to celebrate cousin Charlie coming back to Texas from Alaska. When we got to Aunt Peggy's house Claire got to "fish" with a Barbie fishing pole. She had a blast! I had to tear her away from it in order to eat and after she ate she went right back out to the water to fish some more. Good thing Papa was there to help her since I had no clue what to do. She is so brave as she liked to pet the fish once one was caught. Her fishing pole did not have a hook as it was just a kid's pole, but it did have a plastic butterfly on the end of the line and every time that she saw the butterfly coming toward her she announced, "It's coming!" over and over again. She was so excited! We also got to ride on the ferry there and back and she had fun feeding the birds there too. Justin didn't get to go since he was working and this week is the first round of tests. We missed him being there with us, but the end of his schooling is in sight and getting closer every day. Another sacrifice from a loving daddy.