Thursday, August 07, 2008

Healthiness: Is It Really Worth It?

For my most loyal readers, you may remember a couple posts ago where I talked about starting to run. Well, perhaps that was not the smartest idea I've ever had. I ran for about 2 weeks when my knees began to hurt. I kept running for 2 days until I decided that going through the pain was probably not the best. I stopped running but continued on normal everyday activities. At night, my knees were killer. I don't usually respond well to pain since I think I have a pretty high pain tolerance (no epidural with Claire's delivery). After a week now, I decided it was probably time to go see someone who knows more about this stuff than I do. So I've been icing it, elevating it, resting it, etc. All the right things. I just got back from an orthopedist and he says that I have stress "reactions" in both tibias. The tibia is your shinbone. It's a pretty big bone and not that easy to break, at least I don't think. Anyway, he took X-rays and they didn't show a "macrofracture" but that doesn't mean they're not broken. He told me to stay off of my legs as much as possible for 6 weeks! He actually gave me a script for a wheelchair! WHAT!?!?!?! I have a 2 year old and I teach high school science where we do labs and I can't trust a group of high school chemistry students in lab with me in a wheelchair! Oh Lord, what am I supposed to do?? Trust in Him. I am thankful that they are not completely broken and he says that if I do really well the next couple weeks, that they may heal on their own and I may not have to stay in a wheelchair for the full 6 weeks. I am praying that they will heal quickly and trust me, I'm staying off of these babies as much as possible. After they heal, he did say I can go back to exercising, but he suggested something other than running. So I'll be looking into those options in a few weeks. So please remember me in your prayers so that I can get to work quickly and efficiently. I do think that healthiness is worth it, but I probably should have been a little smarter about becoming healthier. One day, just not today or for the next 6 weeks. =(


Brooke said...

OH no!!! I am so sorry!! Well, I hope you feel better!! So are you going to show up to the social on Friday night in a wheelchair? Has Justin started doing wheelies with you in the chair yet? :) If not yet...I am making the prediction RIGHT NOW!!!

Jennifer said...

no, I am just going to stay home Friday night. I will get my chair in the morning since they're already closed. Don't worry. I'm sure he's already got wheelies planned!

Erika said...

so sorry this happened to you. i will be praying for quick healing!