Friday, January 23, 2009

Charleston Chew

Claire decided today that Charleston Chew is her favorite candy bar ever. Good thing is, Memaw's favorite too so they have that in common. We surprised Memaw today with one and a visit from us. I am feeling SOOO much better from yesterday. What a turnaround! Thank you Lord! Today also I heard 2 spontaneous prayers from the backseat. "Thank You Jesus, for making such a sunny day for us to go to the park!" and "Thank You Jesus for making us happy!" I can't express what joy bubbles inside me when I hear things like that especially from Claire. Lord, please keep her heart tender towards You all the days of her life. I know that You can control our hearts just like You made Pharoah's heart hardened against the Israelites. I praise You for Your power in our lives. In Jesus' name. Amen!


Leslie said...

Wow! I pray that I can teach Reid to be as prayerful as your precious Claire.

We miss you at Anahuac, Mrs. Pasche was asking about you last week, she just returned to work after Ike.