Saturday, July 12, 2008


I was tired of looking at the green, so blue is here! I am not a girly, girl and neither is Claire well, at least not totally, so flowers are just not appropriate. This is nice though I think. At least for a little while.

Things around here have calmed down since Claire's procedure on Thursday. She is on 3 medicines and she is the best medicine taker EVER! The only bad thing is that one of the side effects is sensitivity to the sun. She is already super sensitive to the sun even without this medicine and so now we have to be extra extra extra careful about going outside. Did I mention it's July? In Texas? where the sun is always shining? and it's hot? and humid? We've been doing our best to stay inside, but the sunshine and swimming pool is just so inviting.

VBS at our church starts on Monday morning and I'm going to be teaching 1st graders. There is a specific reason that I teach high school students for a living. Too bad they don't have VBS for high school. I'm stretching however and stepping out of my comfort zone. And it's only for a week. I'm excited for Claire to be in VBS too. I'm hoping she'll have fun and learn some new songs.

Dad made it safely to India and will be there until the end of August teaching local pastors at their Bible college. I'm so appreciative for his courage to step out of his comfort zone too. Especially the fact that he went by himself for that long!

I read the book Thr3e by Ted Dekker yesterday. Yes, the entire book. It was a good book and I really liked the twist"s" at the end of the book. I have read several of his books now and think that many of them would be good movies. After I read his books, I don't have a new author picked out yet, though. Any suggestions?????


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen! Your blog is nice as well! I love all the pics and the design! Your daughter is so adorable!!!