Sunday, January 04, 2009

Another Day

Today seemed like an ordinary day. Nothing exciting happened. Claire and I didn't even leave the house. It rained and I cleaned out her room. She did get mad at me for cleaning her room. Perhaps a preview of what is to come? She tried to kick me out of her room, but of course, that didn't happen. We had just thrown all of her Christmas presents in her room and hadn't put them away, so today I did a toy purge and put all of her current toys in their proper place. I also went through her clothes again and put away all the ones that don't fit her anymore. Her legs are so long it has become a real pain to buy pants/skirts/dresses/shorts for her. Her arms are also long so finding long-sleeved shirts are also difficult, but thankfully in this Texas weather, not many of those are needed. The problem is not just her legs are long, but that her waist is tiny compared to her length. I have found adjustable waist pants thanks to Grandma and those have become a staple already. I also addressed Christmas cards tonight to those that I have addresses for. Another reminder of another resolution for this New Year--to reconnect to those good friends that I have lost touch with. So I will be hunting addresses this week. Speaking of this week, tomorrow starts back my work routine. Thankfully there are exactly 100 days left of school this year with students. I can do that...counting down from 100. It's not that teaching is that bad...I actually love it. It's just that I have really enjoyed being at home with Claire and Justin these past 2 weeks. I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished and I feel our relationships with each other have grown stronger individually and as a family. That is what I feel like I miss out by working outside the home. That is why I'm counting down 100 days. I love my students much more than they know and I have thought about each of them several times over the holidays. Not just my current students either, former students included. I hope they all had wonderful holidays with their families and that their family relationships grew stronger also. So here's to another day and another 100 days.