Monday, January 19, 2009

No school today since it is MLK day. Justin was sick so he called off work. I had a lot to accomplish so I still took Claire to school for just a little while. I dropped her off, got some supplies at Lowe's and got groceries. Then we ate lunch, and I got to work. I put up a ceiling fan in our music room. It took me 2 hours and I was really ready to quit, but I stuck with it and it's finished. It looks good too! Then I started to fix the drywall in the master bath. Never done it before and not too sure how to do it, so I just did one little section and am waiting to see how it turns out. If it's okay, then I'll do more. Otherwise, it's up to Justin or someone else. We'll see. Then I went to get Claire. She came home and we had an enjoyable evening as a family. Justin really didn't feel well so the two of them got some bonding time while I got loads of laundry done, sheets changed, dishes done, Claire bathed, and closets reorganized. I really got a lot done today! Sometimes I think that if I could just have days like today everyday, I'd have a spic and span house. Then I realize that if I had days like today everyday, I would do so much in one day. Ah well, such is life right?