Friday, January 23, 2009

Falling Down

I have the craziest dreams. I won't bore you with them, because as someone once said, "Dreams are only funny to the one that had it." I will simply say that I had a dream last night that Claire and I were in an accident. It was scary, but we were both fine. I was mindful of the dream as I went to pick Claire up from school. On the way home, I missed a left hand turn that I usually make. "No big deal, I'll take a different way home," I thought. I took the next turn and there was a train just starting. I remember as a little girl waiting for trains with my mom. We used to count the cars go by. I started up with Claire...1...2...3...50. I stopped. The train seemed endless and Claire had stopped counting long before 50. The truck ahead of me turned around. Several cars turned around behind me. I stuck around. I didn't have a time restriction, and I was enjoying Claire's tales of the day. Finally, the train ended. I waited until the railroad crossing arm went up. I watched the SUV on the opposite side of the tracks start to come my direction. I looked both ways one more time just to be safe. Nothing coming. I started going. BANG! Something hit the top of the car and I was instantly flashing back to my dream. The rear-view mirror hits my left wrist and I say, "Oh my gosh!" as I hit the accelerator. I hear Claire in the back seat say, "Oh my gosh!" and I'm thankful that she's ok. Apparently the railroad crossing arm came back down and hit my car. It broke in several pieces and me? I just kept driving. I call Justin and was silent. I didn't know how to tell him. My windshield is cracked the entire way across. The rear-view mirror is on the passenger seat, but we're fine. Thank you Lord for Your protection!