Saturday, January 03, 2009

Home Improvements

Since we are planning to move this summer, we will be putting our house up for sale. Because of this, we are starting to improve it here and there in our spare time in order to increase our profit on this house. One thing Justin and I worked on this weekend was replacing 2 light fixtures in the dining room and living room. We got ones that match each other and the hallway fixture we replaced earlier in the year. We realized that our house has some crazy wiring and after 2 days, we got both light fixtures working. Tonight I also took down the paneling that was in our laundry room. I took the moulding off and then the paneling and discovered drywall behind it! Our house is complete paneling and all of the other paneling had no drywall behind it except for the laundry room. What a praise this is as we were expecting to put up some white beadboard to cover up the studs but now we don't have to! We can just paint! I also discovered this also happened in the bathrooms so again just painting is in store! I have to say, I enjoyed ripping the paneling down tonight. Claire also wanted to help, so she did help a little bit. She is a great helper! She also painted today and wanted to spell everyone's name in our family....including Jesus. She is such a sweetheart! Our goal is to get the home improvements done by June so that we can concentrate on finding a new house over the summer and selling this one! What has been your biggest home improvement project you've done?