Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Not Again!"

Claire stayed home with Justin today all day. How fun it is for the 2 of them to get daddy-daughter time together. He is much more patient with her than I. When I got home from work, we were deciding how we were going to spend our evening as a family. Claire started to throw a fit and so we warned her of time-out. She slapped the floor to show her discontent with the discipline. So I started counting as she hit " time you hit, it will be you understand?" "yes ma'am" was her reply. About 10 seconds later, another hit came. Mind you her fit had stopped long before this, but the attitude remained obviously. "Okay, Claire...let's go to time out for hitting." So she gets time out. About 10 minutes after time out, the same exact scenario plays out. I mean, EXACT. So I put her in time out I'm walking out of the room, she's upset and crying and then we hear, "NOT AGAIN!" Apparently, she came to the realization that she was back in time out for the exact same attitude issue as before. She returned to crying and then got out of time out with her usual apology and request for forgiveness, hug, kiss, and reminder that love is always here. I was thinking about it though, how silly of her to be put in time out for the exact same thing that she'd been put in time out earlier. WHAM! It hit me. How often do I do the same thing? Perhaps not with hitting the floor or needing an attitude adjustment that time-outs help with, but don't I behave the same way over again after it didn't work before? Lord, please help me to be conscious of my actions and show me how to adjust my attitude before a "Not Again" moment.


Brooke said...

I am just now catching up on all of my blog readings for last week and this week! Boy are there alot. But you have been on my mind lately and your posts help me to understand why. I just wanted you to know that I prayed for you today while I was reading. You have also been on my mind because, while me and E go through this whole moving nightmare all of the time, it still doesn't get easier to try and wrap up your life here as you try to prepare a new life for yourself and your family somewhere else. While I think I always have it bad when we do these moves, at least I don't have the stress of a 3 year least not yet. See you soon!