Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Claire had her 3 year old check up today. She is 42" tall. Not bad for 3 years old. She did very well at the check up physically. The doctor asked me how her speech was and I answered, "good". He then asked, "Does she speak in sentences yet?" I was shocked! I said, "Sentences? She tells me stories!" He seemed surprised. He then said, "I guess speech is not a problem!" What a blessing! I really hadn't paid attention to her speech lately as far as development, but apparently it's because I didn't need to. Thank you Lord for that blessing. Emotionally, however, Claire did not do that well at the doctor's. She basically threw one HUGE fit the entire time we were there. Not very pleasant at all. I really was beside myself trying to understand her problem. She just wanted out of there so badly. I tried to reassure her, but she just wouldn't calm down. It wasn't until we met with Daddy for dinner that a normal Claire emerged. It also was Justin that helped shed some light on Claire. She had a colonoscopy done back in July and woke up to tubes, etc. He thinks that experience could have affected her response today at the doctor's. I think he's right. Now that doesn't excuse her fit throwing, but it does help to explain it a little bit. Now how to get over it? Well, hopefully we don't have to go back to the doctor's anytime soon. This morning I also woke up with a full blown head cold. Man, I was miserable all day. Yesterday my nose was stuffed, but today it is so much worse. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I think it is caused because there is no heat in my classroom at school. Yes, no heat. Now in Michigan this would mean subzero temperatures. Well, it's not quite that bad here, but it's still been in the 40's which is pretty cold when you're in it all day long with no escape. Thank you Lord for allowing me to have the hospital to escape to in the afternoon.


sigraber said...

Yeah, a little traumatized, you think? :) Glad to hear of no accidents. BTW... Since I live 2 mins from Niki, Paul wants to know if you would like to have Claire play over here on Saturday so you can come to Renee's shower. He said he wouldn't mind watching her if you didn't mind it. What do you think? We will be right across the street and she will be so occupied with the girls, she won't even know you are gone. hmmmm? Let me know.